……This Week in HealthCare

By Fred Binczewski | MHA fredb@uprisecg.com

April 3, 2023

Think “MIND” To Resolve Denials at the Root Cause with Uprise Consulting Group, Inc.

Healthcare denials can be a challenging issue for providers to address, leading to lost revenue, increased administrative costs, and potential patient dissatisfaction. While there can be various factors contributing to healthcare denials, it is important to address the root cause of the problem to prevent them from occurring in the future. By utilizing the “MIND” framework, healthcare providers can effectively address root causes and reduce the frequency of denials.

M – Monitor and Analyze Denial Trends using Uprise’s Unlocked Denials Software: The first step to addressing root causes of healthcare denials is to monitor and analyze denial trends. By collecting and analyzing data on denied claims, providers can identify patterns and trends in the types of denials that are occurring. Analyzing this data can help providers identify common causes of denials such as coding errors, lack of medical necessity, or insufficient documentation. This information can then be used to develop strategies to address the root cause of the problem.

I – Improve Documentation Processes: Insufficient or incomplete documentation is a common cause of healthcare denials. To prevent denials caused by documentation issues, healthcare providers can improve their documentation processes by providing comprehensive documentation of services provided, including clinical rationale and supporting documentation. This can be achieved through staff training on proper documentation practices and the use of documentation tools that prompt the provider for all necessary documentation.

N – Narrow Down Causes: After analyzing denial trends and identifying areas for improvement in documentation processes, providers should narrow down the causes of the denials. This can be achieved by creating a detailed root cause analysis that examines the reasons for the denial, including any gaps or deficiencies in processes, staff knowledge, or documentation.

D – Develop and Implement Corrective Action using Uprise’s Premier Consulting Team: Once the root cause of the denial has been identified, providers can develop and implement corrective action to prevent future denials. This may involve developing new processes or protocols, revising training or education materials, or upgrading technology systems to support improved documentation processes. Providers can also take advantage of automation tools to streamline denial management processes, making them more efficient and effective.

By using the “MIND” framework with Uprise, healthcare providers can address the root cause of healthcare denials and reduce their impact on revenue and patient satisfaction. By monitoring and analyzing denial trends, improving documentation processes, narrowing down causes, and developing and implementing corrective action, providers can optimize their revenue cycle management and minimize the impact of healthcare denials on their operations.

If you are ready to eliminate millions of dollars in preventable denials with guaranteed ROI and a free assessment, contact Uprise today at Info@UpriseCG.com or call 1-877-337-3263! 

To learn more about how we can help you with this topic or other healthcare questions please send us a message at the following: info@uprisecg.com

Uprise Consulting Group, Inc., Eliminating Denials Today, Tomorrow and into the Future.

Together, we are paving a road for the Best Patient Experience. Learn more at www.UpriseCG.com

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